Advantages of being a certified financial analyst | Imarticus Learning

Financial Analyst in investment Banking

Banking Investment / October 28, 2021


Choosing a career path may be stressful, but fret not. Whether you’re still in college or just starting your first job, you have your entire professional life ahead of you. Congratulations! The possibilities are endless. However, the first few years of your career will likely dictate your career path, income potential, as well as your personal life. A little frightening, but I don’t mean to scare you! I’m only trying to tell you the truth.

While it’s always possible to change your career path, it becomes increasingly harder as time goes by. For example, switching careers becomes incredibly difficult after you’ve already built up skills, abilities, knowledge, and competences within your initial path, trust me. Based on my experiences, I’d like to share some thoughts and examples that can help you successfully choose a career path the first time around.

Choosing Your Path

Through my work I’ve been lucky enough to meet and interview people early in their career who desire to develop, transition, or explore the multitude of options that lay before them. One of the most recent additions to our team here at Trustpilot is a former investment banker who transitioned into a financial analyst role with our growing organization.

Investment bankers are known for having an analytical mindset, hard work, and ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment. Who wouldn’t want an employee with those attributes, especially at a startup? This, of course, gives bankers an edge over their peers when they face the tough decision of what to do with their careers after their Analyst tenure is over. You see, investment banks often contract analysts for two- to three-year time periods. After these periods conclude, an investment banking analyst is left with a decision: stay with the bank on their current career track, climb the ladder from an Associate up to Managing Director, leave for a private equity position, or transition out of investment finance and into managerial finance.
